Thursday, November 26, 2009

Skin cancer on a dark headed 2 yr old and how can i get custody of my nephew?

Ok, i just found a type of skin cancer on my nephew. for one, he has jet black hair and dark skin (mexican decent). he just turned 2 this past 3rd of September. i was in the middle of bathing him when i went to wash his hair i felt a little bump. first i thought it was dry skin from craddle cap, then i lifted up his hair and their it was. a pink little lump. oh my goodness. i couldn't believe what i was seeing. get this right next to it another one seems to be growing. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING. what could have caused it. could it be from his mother who is a drug addict or her feeding him nothing but milk. poor baby he's been through so much, now this. i plan on taking him to emergency in the morning. HIS MOTHER WON'T GIVE MY BROTHER MY NEPHEW'S INFO SO THAT WE CAN GET HIM MEDICAL INSURANCE, GEE HE JUST TURNED TWO AND HE NEEDS HIS IMMUNIZATION SHOTS, WHICH I DON'T BELIEVE SHE'S KEPT UPTO DATE ON THAT.



Skin cancer on a dark headed 2 yr old and how can i get custody of my nephew?

call cps and get ready for a long battle in the courts and for your sister to hate your guts

Skin cancer on a dark headed 2 yr old and how can i get custody of my nephew?

If you haven't taken him to the doctor, then you don't know that this is skin cancer. You may suspect that that's what it is, but you don't know it.

I閳ユ獡 assuming your bother is the father? Why has he not petitioned for custody? It will be *much* easier for him to obtain it than you.

And by the way, since you don閳ユ獩 have custody you can閳ユ獩 obtain medical attention for the child (you have no right to authorize it), unless it's an immediate life-threatening emergency, which this is not. Dad, however, can obtain it. He needs to take the child to the doctor.

Now, I say that assuming you're in the US, but if you're not, then things may be different in your country.

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