Thursday, November 26, 2009

Black women's please help!!!?

ok my hair use to be long and thick and over the years when i got in the 10th grade i had got into a dance team that wants me to wear my hair in ponytails,half up half,and bonds and it's made my hair get weak because i had to stop going to the salon and i was wondering since i can't go to the salon what kind of shampoo and conditioner could i use (i saw the women that did my hair use kerma care and it made my hair really strong and pretty should i get that)

Black women's please help!!!?

you definitely don't want strong and pretty hair, so don't use kerma care

Black women's please help!!!?

if it makes it strong then by all means use it

maybe i shud use it. my hair keeps breaking and i dont have much of it

Black women's please help!!!?

try cutting your ends believe me this is the only way to make it healthier and grow faster.

Black women's please help!!!?

yea...if that shampoo makes yer hair pretty and strong then use it! i dont use special shampoo[[suave..its the]] but if u want your hair to b straight without bonds then use the gold 'n' hot brand of hair products. they r made especially for black people and they work.

Black women's please help!!!?

Use a salon quality moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. Deep condition once a week. Do not use heat on your heair such as a curling iron. Try to set you hair on large rollers or wrap it. The less you apply heat, the better for your hair.

Black women's please help!!!?

You should definitely go with what you know works. Normally you can buy the shampoo and conditioner at the salon you go to.

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