Thursday, November 26, 2009

How to convince my parents to be scene?

my mom won't even let me buy black shoes....i asked her once to dye my hair black and she flipped out

i don't want to be scene becuase i think its cool....

i don't

i think it looks coool.

I have a friend and she gets made fun of alot for being scene and she's a cool person...i don't really care about people making fun of meee

I was also wondering if my mom allows me to get a scene to get my hair straight. My air is really poofy and a somewhat curly at the end...right now i wouldn't be able to get a scene haircut becuase i would have to grow it out more....but...

ANy advice?

How to convince my parents to be scene?

first of all, get a professinal straightner, i recommend corioliss or chi.

next, scene doesn't mean black hair. it could be brown with chunky blonde.

also, don't say " i want to cut my hair scene" say " i want a hair cut" and go to the hair dressers and ask for lots of layers done with a RAZOR. remember scene doesn't mean SHORT hair. it could be shoulder length.

once you got that done, it's the makeup and clothes that matters.

do natural, bright makeup with black eyeliner!

and dress scene! if not black shoes, try colourful converse's!

and you're done.

How to convince my parents to be scene?

u dont convince ur parence 2 b scene u just are!!

How to convince my parents to be scene?

this guy i know straightens his hair. I don't mind if guys straightend their hair. Tell your mom that you need to grow up and to trust you. It's a style and tahts' what you feel like you should be. Tell her you still love her but she needs to let go. You won't change. works for me

How to convince my parents to be scene?


i relly love scene looks but my sister and mom r like look at those scene ppl and they think they all do drugs but its not true.

How to convince my parents to be scene?



Don't be a follower.

How to convince my parents to be scene?

Here's some advice.

If you weren't in the scene a year ago,

don't try to be in it now. The scene is

dead mainly because of posers like

yourself trying to be something they're not

because 'the clothes are nice' or 'the

hair is cool'.

As for your friend, she probably got picked

on because she looked completely ridiculous

because you can't just become scene over

night, or really become scene period. Real

people can tell who's real and who's fake.

You contradicted yourself in your details by

saying, 'I don't want to be scene because i

think it's cool....I think it looks coool.' Words

of a pure wanna be if you ask me. You should

listen to your mom and stick to your ways now.

How to convince my parents to be scene?

Love Larae pretty much nailed the answer.If scene is what you were you would do what you wanted despite and you would buy black shoes regardless of what your mom said.

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