Sunday, November 29, 2009

"I'm a person who's rebellious, and like's to be different, but I'm why too

Ok, I'm practically love to wear all black, all the time, I died my hair black and wear a lot of eyeliner and black eyeshadow. And my classmates label me as Emo/Goth. I don't care. But they like to tease me.

I have a million comebacks and stuff I just can't say them. I try to but I don't and instead, I just stare at the person who talking. And then if one of my classmates come up, I can't to talk to her/him.

Basically I cant talk to anyone in my class,except my bff, and I don't know why I cant talk to anyone in my class. I guess I feel uncomfortable around them, and I never feel like that with anyone I meet.

So how can I come over my shyness or whatever I have with my classmates , and stand up for myself, and show them i'm not weak.

"I'm a person who's rebellious, and like's to be different, but I'm why too shy.Help!"

SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder)

Talk to your docter about getting some meds that make you open up.

Be yourself, act like you want too, and if they don't like it, they can eat sh!t and die. - my old Punk lifestyle creedo!

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