Sunday, June 20, 2010

My friend is starting to go down "the wrong path". Help?


One of my very dearst friends is going down the wrong path. She's talking about drinking, she's joking about things like overdose, and she's been asking me questions that put me on the spot. Questions like.... "If I were to cut myself right now, would you care?" She's also dying her hair black, and drawing knives on her wrist in pen.

I want to be her friend, but with this slow turn of events, I find it annoying when she calls, because I expect serious and drama-filled conversation.

Should I stick with her through it or break our bond? If so, how do I do it?

Denada :(

My friend is starting to go down "the wrong path". Help?

Her manipulative behavior is a huge turn-off where you feel oppressed and used as her audience.

My advice is, when she asks you those questions, say, "I just remembered something-I have to go now!" and leave immediately. If this is a phone conversation, end it the instant she starts with this crap. IOW, stop being an audience for her.

Even if she doesn't change, you will at least have trained her to know that you won't participate.

My friend is starting to go down "the wrong path". Help?

I think you should if she doesnt want to be helped out

My friend is starting to go down "the wrong path". Help?

she needs your help...but if it gets to be too much you need to pull back. she's obviosly disturbed or looking for attention be understanding

My friend is starting to go down "the wrong path". Help?

I would suggest to her to talk to a counselor. It sounds like she needs a little bit of honesty too. Maybe tell her that yes you care what happens to her, but you are not qualified to handle hers. That you want her to get help and be the friend that she used to be!

My friend is starting to go down "the wrong path". Help?

I don't think you should end your friendship, but you should alter it slightly. Talk to your friend, and remind her how much she's changed and tell her quietly how you feel. I don't think she should be your best friend, because she'll end up leading you down this path aswell, and you will be destroyed.

Hang out with other friends, that are good and going down the right path. They will help you and stick by you, and walk with you down the right path, and you will be happy. You WONT be happy with this other friend of yours...

Good luck, hope I helped.

My friend is starting to go down "the wrong path". Help?

I think you should sit her down and talk to her. May be even do homework with her and invite her over. If your mom cooks well invite her over for dinner. If you want have a movie night!!!! Good Luck :)

My friend is starting to go down "the wrong path". Help?

Oh she's going through the attention grabing, emo fase. It is very stupid and she will get over it soon enough. Chanses are, that she won't REALLY cut her self and OD.

Like I said, all she wants is attention.

My friend is starting to go down "the wrong path". Help?

if you pry to hard--she will get mad at you and you'll never talk again

My friend is starting to go down "the wrong path". Help?

she needs to know how u feel. if she's a true friend she'll change but w/o ur telling her how u feel, she'll never know. if things get way to bad like if she starts cutting herself, tell an adult immediatly.

My friend is starting to go down "the wrong path". Help?

I think that you should just chill...I mean I had a friend like that too. But when I called to talk she would hang up on me and I didnt know what to do. So I felt bad. But then she would call me as if to talk and then hang up. I think that if she is a true friend, she would understand that it would hurt the ones she loved or loves.

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