Sunday, June 20, 2010

Machismo Mexican Men mirra!?

Heres the situation! I need honest answers here, no politically correct grand standing...just let me know what the issue is. Every Mexican man and some Mexican women, when they see me with my wife who happens to be a Mexican princess (Catholic, Gorgeous, Long flowing black hair, short, small waist and big butt). They give me harsh looks, bad customer service. Refuse to assist me sometimes. They make comments behind my back because they assume i dont speak spanish. They flirt with her in front of me. Why do you hate me so much, or is it her? What did we do wrong, her family wont speak to her cause I'm Black. They say shes with a Black man, she is scraping the bottom of the barrel. I work hard, i take care of her, I pay all the bills, i send her family money (mom and grandma), i dont abuse her mentally or physically, i love our kids%26lt; why dont they like me. We were both an oppressed people why cant we bond and share culture?

Machismo Mexican Men mirra!?

I am hispanic myself, so maybe I can offer a little insight.

I was raised partly in Colombia and I was exposed to similar attitudes about the color of people's skin. It was considered more desireable to be light skinned - it showed better breeding.

The darker the skin, the kinkier the hair - you were considered to be more of a commoner - lower class.

I used to get dark in the summers and I would get comments about my darker tone. It was all said to me playfully, but I remember always telling people that I was much lighter during the rest of the year.

At 8 years old, you would think I would not have thought to point that out to anyone unless I felt that being lighter was better.

Many maids working in the larger city homes were from an area called El Choco %26amp; were mostly black.

Now, this may not be everyone's attitude - but it is what I distinctly remember while living there many years ago.

Other cultures still have lingering attitudes and ideas about people's skin color. It's something that will hopefully change over time, but may not ever change.

Seriously, it just doesn't matter. You love your wife, she loves you %26amp; you are both living in the "Great American Melting Pot."

Let her family be petty and closed-minded. Ignore what everyone else thinks about this issue. You made your choice to be together and now you must stick to it and not let anyone else break your bond over something so silly.

What you need to do is worry about your children and prepare them for any injustices they may face from her family.

I wish you the best %26amp; I apologize for the mistreatment you may have received from the hispanic community.

Machismo Mexican Men mirra!?

We all lived in a messed up world... I would that judges everyone by the color of their skin.. language they speak.. culture they're from... but really, none of this stuff matters... because we're all the same inside!!!!!!

The mexicans that talk bad about you and flirt with her are obviously jealous... they're thinking "How could such a beautiful women ruin her heritage?" many people think that they have to stick with their own race... I certainly don't... I'm mexican and my boyfriend is white, I'm fine with it and so is he! But many people give us weird looks so I know how that is!

So I know what sitution you're in... I think you should talk to you're wife's family... tell them how you feel. I'm sure that they'll understand... just use you're heart. everyone has a heart! and if they still refuse to accept you, then they're not worth your time. you're wife should realize that too. and so should you're children. good luck!! I hope everything works out!

Machismo Mexican Men mirra!?

Well, I am mexican american. And the reason that her family is so absurd is because they can't understand why is it that she couldn't keep on living like her mother and grandmother and the rest of the family tree with a mexican. Mexican tend to be very you-should-follow-what-your-mom-did culture. And the other people who don't like you guys is because mexican women have the reputation on being gold-diggers. Sorry, but is the truth.

Machismo Mexican Men mirra!?

Wow you're wife sounds hot. I bet those guys are just jealous because they couldn't get a great woman like her. Ignore the haters. All that matters is your love for your wife and kids.I have the same problem. I'm also in that type of situation. My sweetie is Cuban and I'm a Black Creole, but I don't care we've been friends for a while and just started to go out. I get called all different types of names the by Latina girls and the Black folks: sellout, mayata, muyo. My boyfriend's crazy ex even questioned my sexual purity and was saying stuff like,"she's a dirty black *****" or "I sleep around town." The worse thing that happened to me while I was with my boyfriend, a couple of guys tried to jump my sweetie but luckily I was close to my house and my mom called the police on them. I really don't care what they say about me and my boy. Love has no color.

Machismo Mexican Men mirra!?

I hate to be so frank, but I think they're just mad becasue they themselves couldn't gt a woman like her. I, being half mexican, can say that another reason they act that way is because a lot of mexicans or hispanics atleast see someone that's a little darker as "undesirable" or "lower class". It's the truth. Growing up my parents always had a desire for a more light skinned grandson. I never agreed, and still don't because love has nothing to do with the outside, but everything on the inside. I wish you two the best of luck and don't care about what people think.

Machismo Mexican Men mirra!?

Okay, I see you have some wonderful answers but I myself as well as these others are mexican so this is what I think. My family is the same way. I was dating a black guy and my father pretty much disowned me. Alot of mexican families are like this because it deals with a sense of "La Raza". They want to keep the blood pure but have failed to realize that even their blood is not pure all in itself. Aztec and Spaniard, or Mayan and Spaniard, etc. there is an "and" inbetween those words. The mexican community is probably treating you that way because they feel she has "sold out" so to speak by marrying a black man. Also alot of mexican-americans and african-americans do not seem to get along. Using words like miatte and such. If you love her, and she loves you than I wouldn't lose to much sleep over it. I'm sure you two are wonderful for each other reguardless of the heritage you both possess.

Machismo Mexican Men mirra!?

wow man i feel sorry for u! im mexican-american so i know what u mean! they prefer that they marry in their own race! i have very few family members that have married non mexican men or women, but they dont really think nothing of it! not all mexicans are alike, it sounds like ur wifes family is messed up! some mexicans think there better than other people! its mostly the light skinned mexicans that feel that way! dont worry about her family! worry about your wife and kids, damn your wife sounds hot!

hope everything works out for u buddy!

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