Friday, June 18, 2010

I am married and if i wanted ...?

i am married and usually dont back down for anything when it comes to something i am strong in wanting to do. my husband doesnt want me to dye my hair black because he said its unattractive, but i want too cause i like it. he thinks it as i dont care what he thinks, but its just im not changing because of some stupid non aggreeable thing over hair. should i not do it just because he doesnt ever like it or just tell him to deal with it?

I am married and if i wanted ...?

it's your hair do what you want

I am married and if i wanted ...?

tell him to deal with it

I am married and if i wanted ...?

it is your hair not his.. do what you want.

I am married and if i wanted ...?

I would dye it...its your hair and he will have to get used to it_

I am married and if i wanted ...?

i am on you side go ahead

I am married and if i wanted ...?

i took the black dye plunge and havent looked back, i love it, just be aware that its very hard to get out once its in, maybe try a hairdye that washes out in 6-8 weeks to see if you like it or he likes it, if he does go permanent hun, all the best and god bless

I am married and if i wanted ...?

tough one.

how about introducing it slowly by going darker slowly not so black so fast you know.

or just do it and enjoy it for a while and see his reaction and if he is totaly childish about the whole thing then kiss him and tell him thanks for not getting to negative about it ( even if he is) and change it back.

I am married and if i wanted ...?

thats tough because u wouldnt want to be unattractive to him....but u like what u like goes girl! its ur hair not his lol

perhap a compermise? what hair color does he like? buy a wig that color and get ur freak on

I am married and if i wanted ...?

hmm... that's a tough one. I'm stubborn and hard-headed like you, but I think you should consider his feelings on this because black hair is virtually permanent! It is harsh and is a big change. He is the one who has to look at you so I think you should talk about it and be reasonable. Like I said I'd normally agree w/you, but it is a big change imo.

I am married and if i wanted ...?

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I am married and if i wanted ...?

Well u have to do what makes u happy.. but for me im the most happy when my husband finds me attractive so i try to do things that he finds appealing, certain clothes, hair color, etc.. im only trying to impress my husband no one its important to me that he feels im attractive..

I am married and if i wanted ...?

You could choose a colour which you both like and would look great on you. After all its important to look good for your husband.

I am married and if i wanted ...?

What is this, some baby fight??? grow up, sweetie

In case you didn't know, dying your hair darker makes you look ill, and your skin sallow... too harsh. Secondly, marriages aren't doing thing to each other out of spite.... marriage is putting the other first, doing sweet things, respect, admiration, passion, trust, kindness, solving issues without rage, and leaving the petty stuff in the toilet. You shouldn't want to do it, and he shouldn't care...Get a life.

I am married and if i wanted ...?

Just tell him, don't ask him, Its your hair. And explain to him that you are doing this because you want to, not because he doesn't want you to. Tell him it's not fair, you wouldn't say anything about doing something to his hair. Just go for it.!!

I am married and if i wanted ...?

If you thing you can't compromise with his needs why not taking this option Shaving bald and choosing a few wig that might be suitable not only to your choice and husbands but to many other occasions too.

I am married and if i wanted ...?

remind him if mama aint happy there aint nobody happy if you want to dye your hair you shold do it if for not yourself than do it for all women who lets thier men walk all over them

I am married and if i wanted ...?

It's your hair, even as your husband he can't make you do anything you don't want to do.

I am married and if i wanted ...?

Do whatever pleases you, you are your own person right? he's not attached to you. So if it makes you feel better about yourself then do it, hey if he doesnt like it then oh well he needs to get over something soo small...I can't imagine someone would get angry or argue about something like that maybe he needs to talk to someone about issues within himself...cause you dying your hair is not about him its about you and what you want or like.

I am married and if i wanted ...?

Maybe he feels its not attractive on you . I know you want to. why don't you comprimise and get a black wig. and where it when your not going out as an item together so you can get your fix for the black hair its much easier than dying it and then having to change it back later and black is very dark so it will take several times to get it back to a lighter shade and reack havic on your hair in the end.

I am married and if i wanted ...?

I think if you want to remain married you should take his opinion and feelings about anything into consideration.

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